make your crush fall in love

How to Make Your Crush Fall in Love with You

How can I make my crush fall in love with me?

If you could answer that question in one single sentence, I would be happy, and you would find it here.

Unfortunately, it is more complicated since there is not one definitive answer.

We have all had crushes in the past that we were fascinated by and felt were “right” for us.

Some we went out on dates with, others we never even dated, and others we had as long-term fiancés. It all depended on how well we connected with them.

Here is what I will discuss in this article:

  • Why it is essential to make your crush fall in love with you and five easy ways to do it
  • How women fall in love (it is not what you think) – AND why we feel like crap when women succeed over men
  • The three C’s to build a long-lasting relationship with your passion PLUS the secret language that makes you more attractive to women in a second.

If you have a crush on someone right now, you will find the things to do to make her fall for you ASAP below, so keep reading.

Why Is It Essential to Make Your Crush Fall in Love with You?

Suppose you want a long-term relationship with your crush that will not be short-lived but a life-long commitment.

In that case, you need to understand the science behind love and gain practical knowledge of how to do it.

Women love men who are:

  • Authentic
  • Cares genuine about them
  • Listeners. (Yes, you need to listen to what she says.)
  • Doing things for them
  • Vulnerable

Those are a couple of things that she wants in a lifelong partner, which is not the complete list that women want in men.

The list consists of seventeen traits and will be shared with you after I cover these five. I picked them since they are essential for anyone who wants their crush to fall in love with them.

I wanted to share them with you so you know what women want in men first before I go into greater detail.

Make Your Crush Fall in Love with You #1: Be Authentic

Many times in the past, I have discussed the importance of being yourself as much as possible at all times.

If you want your crush to fall for you, authenticity is essential.

You need to be your best version of yourself and not try to be a fake.

She will not want to be with you when your passion discovers you played her all along.

Therefore, try to be as honest and truthful to her as possible.

Make Your Crush Fall for You #2: Women Want Men Who Care About Them

Another thing you need to understand is that women want to be with a man who genuinely cares about them.

She wants you to be her emotional support when times are tough. She will be yours too.

It is not that she has to rely on you for much other support, but an overall feeling that you care for her will help her feel your support.

When you care about another person, you should show it every time you have an opportunity.

Make Your Crush Fall in Love with You #3: Listen to What She Says and Memorize It

Women love a man who listens to what she says and doesn’t always assert his values over her.

Yet another thing that women appreciate is men who memorize what she says and can refer back to it when there’s a chance.

It is one of the best ways to show her that she is unique to you and that you care about her.

Make Your Crush Fall for You #4: Women Want Men Who Do Things for Them

Even if women can do most things, they still appreciate it when you do something for them.

It can be as little as helping her carry the groceries bags, changing her car tires, zipping up her dress, or showing up with soup when she has a terrible cold.

Women like men who can make their lives easier and who are their heroes.

Make Your Crush Fall in Love with You #5: Women Want Vulnerable Men

More than a hero, women want a vulnerable man who is in touch with his emotions and can discuss them.

It might seem odd, but try to be open and discuss your feelings, and never be afraid to show your emotions when your crush’s around since that will help you connect with her emotionally, which she will appreciate.

The quickest way is to walk up to your crush the second you spot her and tell her that you love her.

That will help you create an emotional connection that she will appreciate highly.

I have now shared the five things women want the most in men, which can help you a long way.

If you want to get all seventeen things you can do to make your crush notice and like you, here’s an article that discusses that.

How Women Fall in Love (It’s Not What You Think)

There is a myth that I have encountered, and it claims that women will fall in love with you if you say the right words.

Nothing could be further from the truth. I have asked women about it, and they have all debunked it.

It is never what you say but what you do that makes women notice you and fall in love with you, especially what you do to show that you love her.

No matter how insignificant you might think, those small tokens of appreciation I listed above are the things that matter the most to her.

So, when you help her and act nicely, that will make her fall in love with you, and there is scientific backing.

The Science Behind Why Most Men Fail in Relationships These Days

Over the last couple of years, science has proven that men want to feel respect, that we are needed, and that we are valuable and can somehow contribute to society.

If men don’t get this or fail, and their partner succeeds in different things, they will feel less valuable and replaceable.

Another thing we want is to feel that we matter and can satisfy our partner’s every need, primarily sexual but emotional.

Men want these things in a long-term relationship, and if we can’t get them, we will feel like failures, resent and abandon our crush.

So, what does this mean?

We now need to look into how the three C’s will help you as a man to make your crush fall in love with you.

Scientific Resources

  • Anderson, Cameron & Hildreth, John & Howland, Laura. (2015). Is the Desire for Status a Fundamental Human Motive? A Review of the Empirical Literature. Psychological bulletin. 141. 10.1037/a0038781.
  • Canevello A, Crocker J. Creating good relationships: Responsiveness, relationship quality, and interpersonal goals. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2010;99(1):78-106. doi:10.1037/a0018186
  • Kate A. Ratliff, Ph.D., University of Florida, and Shigehiro Oishi, Ph.D., University of Virginia; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, “Gender Differences in Implicit Self-Esteem Following a Romantic Partner’s Success or Failure,” read online Aug. 5, 2013.
  • Harry’s Masculinity Report 2018 (PDF).
  • Murray, S. H., Milhausen, R. R., Graham, C. & Kuczynski, L. (2016). A Qualitative Exploration of Factors That Affect Sexual Desire Among Men Aged 30 to 65 in Long-Term Relationships. Journal of Sex Research, DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2016.1168352
  • Reis HT, Lemay Jr EP, Finkenauer C. Toward understanding: The importance of feeling understood in relationships. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 2017:11(3):e12308. doi:10.1111/spc3.12308

man texting a woman

The Three C’s – How to Make Your Crush Love You and Saving Relationships

As you’ve probably realized, three words begin with the letter C that will help you save relationships, and they are the same as the ones that make your crush love you:

  1. Connection
  2. Chemistry
  3. Compassion

The fastest way to create a connection between two humans is to send your crush three simple text messages.

These messages will help you quickly establish an emotional connection between you.

If you want to know these three texts, read How to Get Your Crush to Like You Over Text, where I discuss them.

As I discussed in a recent article, you can’t get a relationship to last unless you have great chemistry.

The last essential ingredient is compassion.

Without compassion, you can not create either connection or chemistry, two keys to starting new relationships and making them last.

They will help you build a good and strong foundation for your relationship.

The Secret Love Language

A secret love language can help you attract and keep a woman for as long as you want and increase the quality of all your relationships, future and present.

If you can master that language, you will become more attractive to women and be in that relationship as long as you want.

It will help you create a solid foundation and make your relationships last longer.

If you want that, you can watch this video that reveals how you can achieve happier and better relationships with your crush.

Watching the video is free, but if you purchase the entire program, you will help sponsor us so we can create more quality blog posts here to help you have better relationships.

For better relationships for everyone,


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